Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Death awaits you all with nasty big pointy teeth.

I ran across an article today on wow.com that I have to share. There are a few things in Azeroth that pay homage to the greatness that is Monty Python & the Holy Grail. The quest Bring Me A Shrubbery in Zangermarsh, the Ulduar boss Kologarn who is yelling "None Shall Pass" "Just a Scratch" "Only A Flesh Wound", and ofcourse the best guild on the realm Knights Who Say Ni ;). In the spirit of Monty Python I submit to you now Critter Plateau. Maybe the developers just wanted to let critters have war games or maybe they are training to overthrow Azeroth in retaliation to Critter Kill Squad, but upon seeing this I couldn't help think of Holy Grails killer bunny.

According to the article and the video, this plateau is located in north west Mulgore, near the border to Stonetalon Mountains and only accessible by flying. It is filled with rabbits, mice, and prairie dogs. Every few minutes they will mutate, equip weapons and armor, and fight each other. They won't attack you and they may not be mutated/warring when you arrive. Give them a few seconds though and the show will begin. Sit back, enjoy & remember:

"TIM: Well, that's no ordinary rabbit. That's the most foul, cruel, and bad-tempered rodent you ever set eyes on."

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