Sunday, October 31, 2010

Blizzcon Broken Leg

Here's video of the kid breaking his leg during the dance competition. The poor guy actually broke a ligament & required surgery!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Download without Pre-Order!

From WoW Insider:

NOTE: Blizzard has approved use of this method
. It is not against the ToS, EULA, or any other acronym.

Pre-orders for the Cataclysm digital upgrade
are officially open, and you can start downloading the remainder of the expansion's data the moment your purchase goes through. But what if you're awaiting a Collector's Edition or you don't have the money to upgrade online right now? You don't want to be left waiting for Cataclysm to download and install on launch night.

Thankfully, we've got you covered. There's an easy way to preload all the data you'll need to play Cataclysm the moment it goes live on midnight Dec. 7. Just follow these easy steps:
  1. Make sure World of Warcraft and/or the launcher and background downloader are completely closed.
  2. Open up your World of Warcraft folder.
  3. Open in Notepad and change the "accountType" line from LK to CT.
  4. Open in Notepad and change the "accountType" line from LK to CT.
Now load up the launcher and you should begin downloading 700 megs or so of new material. That's the last bit of data you need to play on launch night. Enjoy!

Remember: This will only give you the necessary files to play Cataclysm. It will not upgrade your account and you will not be able to access Cataclysm features. You still need to buy the game if you want to play on launch day.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Good News Hunters!

Original article here

Beta build 13221 went live on beta servers last night, pushing through many much-requested buffs to the hunter class as well as many bug fixes. Most classes received a slew of numbers tweaks in the latest build, and hunters were no exception. But in addition to the coefficient changes, hunters saw some significant pet changes that could have an impact on endgame gameplay.

The highlights of hunter changes include:
  • damage increased for all hunter signature shots (Kill Command, Chimera Shot and Explosive Shot)
  • hunter pets now capable of becoming boss crit-immune
  • BM worm pet AoE buffed to a powerful level
Hop after the cut for a full list of hunter changes in the new beta build.

Beast Mastery
  • Widow Venom now reduces healing by 10%, down from 25%.
  • Kill Command now deals 43% of RAP + 848 damage, up from 35% of RAP + 772.
  • Steady Shot tooltip updated to reflect scaling of 2.1% of RAP, rather than 10%.
  • Chimera Shot now deals 28.8% of RAP + 973, up from 24% of RAP + 401.
  • Demoralizing Screech (Carrion Bird) no longer deals damage or reduces attack power. Instead, it reduces the physical damage dealt by all enemies within 8 yards by 10% for 10 seconds.
  • Froststorm Breath (Chimera) base damage reduced from 244 to 41.
  • Monstrous Bite (Devilsaur) now reduces healing by 10%, down from 25%.
  • Burrow Attack (Worm) now scales from 76.8% of RAP + 1432 damage, up from 9.6% RAP + 257.
  • Grace of the Mantis now reduces chance to be hit by 3/6%, up from 2/4%.
  • Bug where hunter pet raid debuffs would not auto-cast to refresh while the debuff was up has been fixed.
The nerfs aren't really nerfs

Blizzard made a change to the healing reduction debuff across the board in this beta build, reducing it down to 10 percent from all sources of the debuff. So while hunter healing reduction through Widow Venom and Monstrous Bite is decreasing, the same debuff from all other classes is also going down. This is no doubt due to the same reason Blizzard reduced it from 50 percent to 25 percent at the beginning of the beta: to make PvP a bit more flexible. This way, the devs don't have to design abilities assuming that the healing debuff will be on every target, and PvP teams don't feel they "have" to have a Mortal Strike class.

Another not-nerf -- and I cannot stress this enough: Steady Shot is not changing at all. This is only a tooltip update. Steady Shot has been hovering right around that 2.1percent coefficient for at least the last couple of months, and that is exactly the coefficient that went live with patch 4.0.1. Again, this is just Blizzard's finally updating the clientside tooltip to reflect reality. Steady Shot damage is not going down.

Crit immunity for tenacity pets

The change to Grace of the Mantis is a minor one for the vast majority of gameplay but a huge one for extreme soloing or pet tanking. Raid bosses have a 5.6 percent chance to crit their target, and Grace of the Mantis only reduced crit chance by a maximum of 4 percent. In Wrath, hunters managed the extra 1.6 percent crit reduction for their pets by stacking resilience gear. With the changes to resilience in Cataclysm, that is no longer an option.

Now, however, hunter pets will once again be able to attain raid boss crit immunity. This leaves the door open for extreme pet tanking in Cataclysm.

Worm is the BM AOE

The change to the worm pet's Burrow ability is a pretty huge one. The worm now does very respectable AoE DPS -- far more than Multi-Shot does. Previously, BM really suffered in the AoE department as the only hunter spec with no talents or abilities that bolstered their AoE abilities. BM hunters can now AoE far more effectively, and very appropriately, they do it through their pet.

Other functionality changes to Burrow seem to be that the pet will now continue its single-target attack while burrowed; however, the pet is not on the aggro tabled while burrowed. This means that if the worm pet is tanking, it will lose all aggro while underground. Despite being a tenacity pet, it seems the worm is not a tanking pet.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Orgrimmar Night

Saturday night was an amazing PVP night for Ni. The Alliance forces took over and held control of Orgrimmar for 2 hours resulting in a city wide disconnect. Not only do I personally thank each Ni who participated in helping represent Ni and the Alliance in this battle, we also got a thank you from the big man himself!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Blizzcon 2010!

Diablo Fans of Ni, an announcement was made during opening ceremonies about Diablo! The newest playable class will be Demon Hunters! Also there will be Arena style PVP!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Horseman Rise!

Hallows End has begun! A few guides are out that can help explain things a bit if you're a first timer.

Wowhead's Guide's guide

Also BEWARE! Just like the mage tables, there's currently a 50% chance of being disconnected if you click any Summoning/Portal Gear Icon. To summon the Headless Horseman you have to use one! It's been suggested to get a DPS to summon him to avoid Tank D/C'ing. Good Luck and Happy Hallows Eve!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Check for Updates to Add-ons

Lots of updates are continuing to roll in every few hours so keep your eye out before you log. Known updates include recount, clique, bartender, mage nuggets, decursive & digits!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Lich King Strat Video

While waiting on patchlysm to finally work, take time to rewatch Strategy video for Big Daddy Arthas. Learn the fight without the repair bill!

Another Pushback

Latest news, All realms by 7 server!

Reforging Info!

New service implemented allows users to change item stats! Read more here!

Extended Maintenance

As we all expected all servers have had maintenance extended until 4pm Server time. Any new information I'll post as I get. Patch installation is taking a very long time, followed by an additional patch. As it looks, This weeks weekly will be rescheduled and I'll see you all on vent. =P

Stat Changes

Another Official Blue Post on Stat changes:

We've previously unveiled some of the stat changes that are coming with Cataclysm ( ), including stat alterations, stat removals, or changes to how they're obtained. This is an update to that preview intended to explain the actual changes and to detail what everyone will be seeing on their characters.

Stat Changes

Stamina - Due to the assigning of Strength, Agility, and Intellect, non-plate wearers have more Stamina than before. Health pools are now much closer between plate-wearers and other classes.

Spirit - This stat should only be found on healing gear. Non-healing casters have other systems in place to regenerate mana.

Intellect - Intellect now grants Spell Power and increases your Critical Strike chance with spells.

Haste - Haste should now be more attractive for melee classes by allowing them to recover resources such as rage, energy, and runes more quickly. Our intention is for Haste to let you "do stuff" more often.

Parry - Parry provides the same avoidance as Dodge, and you'll receive a percentage of your strength as Parry Rating.

Mastery - This is a new stat that will allow players to become better at whatever makes their chosen talent tree cool or unique. It's directly tied to talents, so what you gain from improving this stat is entirely dependent upon your class and the talent specialization you choose. We’ll talk more about specific Mastery benefits in the future.

Armor - The amount of bonus Armor received per stat point on items has been drastically reduced, and Armor is no longer given by Agility. In addition, Armor now better mitigates differences among Armor types so that protection from mail, leather, and cloth is much closer to that of plate.

Resilience - This now only affects damage done by players and their pets. It will not impact crit chance, crit damage, mana drains, or other such effects.

Removed From Items

Attack Power - This stat is rarely present on items, although it is derived from other stats. Strength and Agility, which are present on items, grant the appropriate amount of Attack Power (generally 2 Attack Power per point of Strength or Agility) depending upon which stat a particular class favors.

Block Rating - Block has been redesigned to scale better. Blocked attacks will simply hit for 30% less damage. Block Rating is no longer given out directly as a stat. Instead, Mastery for Protection paladins and Protection warriors increases the chance to block.

Spell Power - Spell Power is no longer present on most items. Instead, as mentioned above, Intellect now grants Spell Power. One exception is that caster weapons still have Spell Power. This allows us to make weapons proportionately more powerful for casters in the same way they are for melee classes.

Armor Penetration - This stat is no longer present on items. Armor Penetration still exists in talents and abilities.

Shield Block Value - There are some effects that increase the Block value by a percentage, but this does not exist as a stat.

Removed From the Game

MP5 - This stat no longer exists in the game. Holy paladins and Restoration shaman have been redesigned to benefit from Spirit.

Defense - Defense is now removed from the game. Tanking classes will become uncrittable versus creatures by shifting into Defensive Stance, Blood Presence, or Bear Form, or by using Righteous Fury.

Spell Ranks - Spell ranks now cease to exist. All spells have one rank and will scale appropriately by caster level. The levels at which you can learn certain spells have been changed in order to fill in some of the gaps, and there are many new spells to learn along the way as well.

Weapon Skill - This stat will be removed from the game completely. Classes will start with all the weapon skills they need to know and will not need to improve them.

What Else You Should Know

Combat ratings - Ratings are much harder to "cap out" at maximum gear levels. Ratings are steeper in Cataclysm, and creatures in later tiers of content will be harder to hit or crit, similar to how level-83 mobs are harder to hit or crit than level-80 mobs.

Reforging - This new itemization customization feature allows you to partially change the stats on an item. You can reduce the value of an existing stat on an item, and add an equivalent amount of another stat that was not already present on the item. This makes it far easier to reach important thresholds like the Hit Rating and Expertise Rating caps.

[ Post edited by Vaneras ]

Guild UI Changes

From Official Blue post:

Guilds are a pillar of the World of Warcraft community. Whether you’re a dedicated raider or part of an easy-going leveling guild, we’ve made a number of changes to improve your guild experience. In patch 4.0.1, players will find that guilds are no longer part of the Social window, but instead have been given their own dedicated user interface (default: J). This interface has been completely redesigned to increase efficiency, aesthetic appeal, and ease of navigation for all guild members.

For this post, we'll be examining three core features: the professions roster, guild news and upcoming events, and improved guild controls. While the new interface contains a wealth of awesome improvements, we feel these features in particular deserve to be highlighted. This also gives us a chance to provide a bit of additional clarification.

Profession Roster

Under the "Roster" tab in the new Guild window, players will now be able to view the professions of all guild members.

All primary professions will be listed in the professions roster alphabetically and guild members with at least one active primary profession will be placed within the roster according to their current professions. Members of the guild will be able to search for guild recipes, patterns, blueprints, and schematics in two ways (for the purpose of the post, going forward all professions' spells will be referred to as "recipes"):

* By player. When a profession's section in the roster is expanded, all guild members with the profession will be listed along with their skill level and current zone. Clicking on the guild member's name will open up a separate window listing all their known recipes. Players will be able to filter this list by slot (head, shoulder, etc), sub-class (item enhancement, modification, weapon type, etc), materials, and whether or not the recipe will provide a skill-up.

* By recipe. Players will also be able to search all guild recipes by clicking on the "View All" option next to the profession name in the roster. This will open up a separate window that will list all known recipes for that profession in the guild. Once the particular recipe is found, the player will simply need to click on "View Crafters" to see who in the guild can craft that particular item. If any of the eligible guild crafters are online, the player will be able to send that crafter a message by clicking on the guild member's name.

As with searching by player, the same filter options will be available.

Guild News and Upcoming Events

We’ve also made it easier than ever to plan guild events and keep up with the latest happenings in your guild organisation.

* Guild news. Guild news will include guild achievements, member achievements, raid encounters, epic items crafted, looted or purchased, and guild levels. These news items will appear in reverse chronological order, organized by date, in the Guild News window and can be filtered according to news type to fit a player's preference. The Guild Message of the Day will also display in the Guild News tab at the top of the window.

* Upcoming events. Guild members with the appropriate permissions will now be able to create guild-specific events and announcements. Guild events and announcements will function similarly to normal events and can be scheduled through the in-game calendar or guild window. Unlike normal events, however, these events and announcements will be viewable by all guild members, displaying both in the default "Guild" tab under "Guild News and Events" and in the "Info" tab under "Events." This feature will help ensure that all guild members are aware of scheduled activities and important information.

New and Improved Guild Controls

Last but not least, we'll be adding more functionality to guild management.

* Streamlined guild rank controls. Guild Masters will now be able to add, remove, raise, or lower guild ranks, as well as rename them on the fly.

* Improved permissions interface. Guild ranks, rank permissions, and bank tab permissions will now be managed in separate windows. We've also added new permission options and better organisation, allowing Guild Masters greater control over a rank's access to certain guild and bank features.

* A new Authenticator permission. Security-conscious Guild Masters will now be able to add a permission to certain guild ranks that will require all members in that rank to have an authenticator associated with their account.

With respect to the new Authenticator permission, there are certain restrictions Guild Masters should keep in mind.

* You will be unable to promote or demote players to ranks that require an Authenticator if they do not have one associated with their account. If you attempt to promote/demote a player without an Authenticator to a rank that features this permission restriction, you'll be given the option to either move the player to the next eligible rank or cancel. (Please note that it may take a few days for a new Authenticator to be recognised by the guild controls.)

* If a player is in a guild rank that requires an Authenticator, but then removes the Authenticator from their account, they will be automatically demoted to the next eligible rank.

* The Authenticator requirement cannot be assigned to the lowest (Initiate) and highest (Guild Master) guild ranks or to a rank that is currently in use.

A Look to the Future

Keep in mind that this is only a taste of what's to come and additional features (like guild rewards) will be available once Cataclysm launches. We'll also be revealing more information about guild leveling and reputation as 4.0.3 draws closer, so stay tuned!
Community Team - English

BIG Patch Day!

Knights Who Say Ni hold onto your shrubberies because we have a HUGE patch install today! Wowhead's guide is a very good explanation of current & future changes from their post:

Patch 4.0.1 Guide: Cataclysm Systems

Welcome to our Patch 4.0.1 guide!

If you're looking for info on Patch 4.0.1, this is the place to be. While you're here, don't forget to check out our other info sources!
World of Warcraft Patch 4.0.1, dubbed "Cataclysm Systems," is the second to last major patch before the Cataclysm hits - and it's definitely major! In this patch, many aspects of the game are drastically changing to adopt the new systems which will be used in the Cataclysm expansion world. Bear in mind, however, that the world itself will not be changing - not yet, at least. Blizzard states that the following will be implemented/changed:
Blizzard said: As the Cataclysm draws ever closer, patch 4.0.1 will pave the way for the transition into the latest expansion. Players will gain access to a host of new systems features.
  • Classes: revamped talent trees, updated hunter pet system, new druid, hunter, paladin, and warlock resources, new Mastery stat
  • User Interface: improved Spellbook, new Guild display options, updated PvP interface, expanded and enhanced Professions tab
  • Systems: glyph updates including all-new Prime glyphs, new Reforging ability to customize item stats, new PvP and PvE currency system
  • And much more!
The next (and last) major patch before the Cataclysm expansion hits will be Patch 4.0.3, "The Shattering." This patch will include all of the world changes, including major topographical changes, new quests, and more! Archaeology will be implemented, the guild leveling system will be fully implemented and most all level 1-80 Cataclysm changes will happen. Players will not be able to create Goblin or Worgen characters, progress past level 80 or fly in Azeroth, however, until a Cataclysm key has been activated on their account.
Blizzard said: Patch 4.0.3: The Shattering

Shortly before Cataclysm launches, Azeroth as you know it will be changed forever. Patch 4.0.3 will bring with it cataclysmic changes to the Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor. Players will be able to find new and exciting sights to see and quests to do in the level 1-60 zones, all-new troll and gnome introductory experiences, redesigned capital cities, new race/class combinations, and more!
The World of Warcraft is changing drastically and we wanted to give you guys a review of everything you have to look forward to (or brace yourself for) with tomorrow's patch, Patch 4.0.1.

Table of Contents


All classes are having their skills and talents changed. Blizzard has stated that some classes may feel underpowered or may be lacking what was once a key ability until a later level. This period prior to Cataclysm is intended to allow for players to become familiar with the changes and I'm sure Blizzard will continue to make changes and adjustments to classes in the upcoming month and a half prior to Cataclysm's release in order to fine-tune the classes further.

Revamped Talent Trees

  • Talent trees have been drastically condensed
  • Players will now have a total of 41 points at level 85 to spend (36 points at level 80)
  • Each talent tree now has a corresponding specialization
    • Players will learn special skills based on the specialization they have chosen
    • Players will be able to train their specialization's Mastery at level 80
    • The effect of a specialization's Mastery can be increased with gear boosting the new Mastery statistic
The final talent in each tree requires 30 points invested in that tree and you must spend at least 31 points in a single tree before being able to spend points in another tree. To accommodate for this cut, Blizzard has reduced the number of talent points players get by roughly a half. You will get your first point at level 10, just like now, but from then on you'll be getting a talent point every odd level until you hit 81. Then, from 81 to 85, you'll get a point for every level. To make this a little more visual, you will be getting a talent point on the following levels:
  • Level 10 (first point)
  • Levels 11, 13, 15, ..., 77, 79 (odd levels)
  • Levels 81, 82, 83, 84, 85 (Cataclysm levels)
In addition to this, talents will cost 1, 2, or 3 points - no more 5-pointers. You will still need to invest 5 points in order to advance to the next tier of talents though. What this means is that talents are becoming more powerful, on a per-point scale.
Check out the Spells, Talents and Mastery section of our Cataclysm Guide for more detailed information!

Class Changes

Blizzard has recently released a fairly concise run-down of major class changes we can expect with Patch 4.0.1! Screenshots and links have been added for further clarification. Of course, every class has had major spell and talent changes so be sure to review the detailed Class Changes section of our Cataclysm Guide and check out our updated Talent Calculator!
Blizzard said: Patch 4.0.1 will bring about major changes to all World of Warcraft classes, including sweeping talent tree revamps, altered spells, and improved abilities. We wanted to go over some of the more complex changes that are being made. If your class isn't listed here, it does not mean we didn't spend as much time on it -- the class will still receive a broad range of updates to talents, spells, and abilities -- we simply feel that these mechanics merit additional explanation.

Death Knights

Blizzard said: Runes
The way in which runes regenerate has been changed. Rather than each rune type (Blood, Frost, Unholy) regenerating simultaneously, they now fill sequentially. For example, if you use two Blood runes, then the first rune will fill up before the second one starts to fill up. You essentially have three sets of runes filling every 10 seconds instead of six individual runes filling every 10 seconds. This allows the death knight rotation to be more forgiving, so that the player can take advantage of things like ability procs or respond to movement. This system makes it a little easier to get back on track without six separate runes now "out of sync" from the standard rotation.

You're a Bloody Tank
The time has come to dedicate a death knight talent tree to tanking, and that is what is in store for the Blood tree. We felt that we could offer a more focused and polished tanking tree rather than having to scatter similar tools throughout the trees. This also allows us to really focus the other trees into more flavorful damage-dealing specializations.

Runic Empowerment
This mechanic allows for runes which were on cooldown to instantly activate, which prevents the rotation from becoming too predictable and boring.


Blizzard said: Eclipse
This is a new mechanic being added for Balance druids. The resource is managed through a new bar near the health and mana bars. As the druid casts Arcane spells, the bar moves towards the sun element until the druid achieves a Solar Eclipse, which buffs Nature damage. The goal is then to cast Nature spells, until the bar moves toward the moon element, which triggers a Lunar Eclipse and buffs Arcane damage. The gameplay becomes trying to quickly move the bar from one end to the other in order to maximize each Eclipse buff.


Blizzard said: Focus
This is a new resource which has replaced mana. Hunters never felt like they should be casting mana-based spells, and having a resource that lasted for a long time and then was painfully gone didn’t lead to compelling gameplay.

Hunters can now use Call Pet to choose from among five different pets. They can swap out any of these five pets with other pets they have tamed by visiting a Stable Master. The Stable Master now allows the hunter to store twenty pets total.
Pet families have been updated. Each family can now provide unique buffs to parties or raids, so if a class buff is needed for a raid and that class isn't represented in the group, chances are a hunter can provide a little assistance by calling out a specific pet.

Ammo is no more. As a hunter, you're just that good now.
Any quivers or pouches used to store ammo will automatically be converted into a bag of roughly equal value.


Blizzard said: Holy Power
This is a new resource which works similarly to combo points. Paladins will generally want to build up Holy Power until it shines through with a bright yellow glowing effect. Once Holy Power has been built up, it can be consumed to augment existing abilities. For example, Word of Glory can be used to cast an instant-cast free heal. This gives paladins several options for how to spend their Holy Power, depending on the scenario.


Blizzard said: Soul Shards
As items, Soul Shards are going away entirely.
Any shard bags used to store Soul Shards will automatically be converted into a bag of roughly equal value.
Soul Shards are now a new resource for warlocks. Each warlock will have a total of three. These Soul Shards can be expended using a new spell, Soul Burn, which allows the warlock to augment the next spell cast. The augmentation effect will vary depending on which spell is used, and all warlock spells which can be empowered by Soul Burn will have a tooltip listing of the effect it grants. Soul Shards will no longer be necessary for summoning demons or casting any other spell typically used when out of combat.


Blizzard said: Rage
Rage is being normalized so that its generation is no longer based on damage done by auto-attacks. Each auto-attack will provide a set amount of Rage, with off-hand weapons granting 50% of the rage main-hand weapons do. Haste will allow Rage to generate more rapidly by increasing attack speed. In addition, while taking damage, the amount of Rage generated will now be based on the warrior's health rather than the opponent's level. The essence of this change is to improve the scaling that occurs with warrior gear. With warriors balanced around the top tiers of items, we've found that the class tends to underperform more drastically than others in lower-quality items. These changes should correct that.
Check out the Class Changes section of our Cataclysm Guide for more detailed information!


This patch brings the new statistic Mastery Rating, which can be found on high level gear. This stat increases the benefit of your chosen class specialization's Mastery. Training your specialization's Mastery requires level 80, and it can be learned from your class trainer.

User Interface

Many (but not all) of the interface changes planned for Cataclysm will be implemented with this patch. The highly updated guild panel will be implemented, but guild leveling and progress will not be added until Cataclysm.
Check out the UI Changes section of our Cataclysm Guide for more details and screenshots!


New Glyphs / Glyph Interface

Blizzard said: In the upcoming 4.0.1 patch, we'll be introducing a major overhaul of the current glyph system. This update features a host of changes including the addition of a new glyph tier, the transition of glyphs from consumable items to permanent spells, and a more streamlined user interface.

In its Prime
Glyphs will now be separated into three different tiers: minor, major, and prime.

Prime - Prime glyphs will typically provide direct increases to damage or healing throughput. Examples of prime glyphs include Glyph of Howling Blast, which will cause the death knight ability Howling Blast to infect targets with Frost Fever, and Glyph of Insect Swarm, which increases the damage of druid's Insect Swarm ability by 30%.

Major - Major glyphs will typically augment spells and abilities to offer additional utility. Examples of major glyphs include Glyph of Silencing Shot, which will cause a hunter to instantly gain 10 focus when successfully silencing an enemy's spell cast, and Glyph of Ice Block, which will reset the cooldown on Frost Nova every time a mage uses Ice Block.

Minor - Minor glyphs will typically provide players with additional convenience or cosmetic changes. Examples of minor glyphs include Glyph of Righteousness which will reduce the mana cost of Seal of Righteousness for paladins by 50%, and Glyph of Levitate which will remove the reagent requirement for a priest's Levitate spell.

In total, there will be nine glyph slots: three minor, three major, and three prime. As players level, they will be able to progressively unlock "sets" of these slots in increments of three (one minor slot, one major slot, and one prime slot). The first set of glyph slots will be unlocked at level 25, the second at level 50, and the final at level 75.

Teach a Man to Glyph...
In addition to the glyph tier changes, glyphs will also be transitioning from single-use items to permanent spells that a player can learn. While the item from which a glyph will be taught will still be consumed on use, once a glyph is learned, a player will always have access to it. This functionality will feel very similar to the current mechanic that allows players to learn certain recipes and patterns from item drops.

Despite these changes, activating a glyph will more or less function as it does now. To activate a glyph, players will simply need to select the desired glyph from their list of known glyphs and then click on the appropriate tiered slot.

Dust to Dust
With the transition from single-use items to permanent spells, the process for switching activated glyphs has been slightly altered. Similar to activating a learned glyph, players will need to select the new glyph from their list of known glyphs and then "place" it on top of the old glyph. While this process will not destroy the old glyph as it does at present, it will require a new reagent, Dust of Disappearance, which can be purchased from Inscription vendors or be crafted by scribes.

As a precaution, the following dialogue will also appear before a glyph is exchanged:

Are you sure you want to inscribe this glyph? The existing glyph will be lost.

Cost: 1 Dust of Disappearance

Players will be given the opportunity to confirm the exchange or cancel out of it. Please note that the old glyph will not be permanently lost; it will simply be deactivated.

Gotta Catch'em All
To complement each of these changes, the glyph UI window has been completely redesigned. All glyphs will now be organized in the glyph panel according to their tier (minor, major, or prime) and, much like how class spells and abilities display in the trainer window, will be sortable by "Already Known," "Unavailable," and "All Glyphs" categories. Players will also be able to search for glyphs using keywords and results will populate under each corresponding collapsible tier.

To access the new glyph UI, players will need to open up the Talent pane (default: N) and then click on the "Glyphs" tab.


Reforging has been implemented, allowing players to reallocate stat points on their items! Detailed information on the process can be found here!

PvP and PvE Currency System Conversions

In the upcoming 4.0.1 patch (which is currently on the PTR), all old PvE and PvP tokens will be converted to a new currency system. Badges like Emblem of Frost and Emblem of Triumph will be converted into Justice Points, and all PvE gear that had badge costs will be converted to this new Justice Points system.

On the PvP side, Arena Season 8 will end with 4.0 — all Arena, Honor, any leftover Battleground marks, Stone Keeper's Shard and any other PvP tokens will be converted into the new version of Honor Points. Any items that were sold for any of the old PvP points/tokens will have their costs converted new Honor Points system.

Both Justice Points and Honor Points will have a soft cap — you can go over the cap on the original conversion, but at a later point in time a hard cap will be introduced in a content patch. Any excess points after the hard cap is introduced will be converted to gold, which will be received via the mail system.Emblems → GoldEmblems → Justice PointsPvP Currencies → Honor Points

Additional Changes

  • New pre-Cataclysm launch quest chains have been added for both Horde and Alliance players!
    Check out our fully detailed guide to Cataclysm Pre-Launch Events in our Cataclysm Guide
  • In 4.0.1, guilds will be now capped at 1,000 members (1,000 characters, not accounts). Guilds above 1,000 members currently will not lose members, but they will be unable to add new members.
    Blizzard said: We previously announced in the Cataclysm Beta forums that we'd be enforcing a 600 guild member cap with patch 4.0.1. We've reevaluated what we believe the realms are capable of supporting and instead will be enforcing a guild member hard cap of 1,000 members. This means that guilds with more than 1,000 members will no longer be able to invite new members until they drop below the cap. For example, if a guild has 1,500 members they'll be able to continue as-is, playing and earning guild achievements for as long as they choose, through Cataclysm and beyond, but they will not be able to add new members until they fall below the 1,000 member cap. If a guild has fewer than 1,000 members, they won't be able to add members above that number.

    This new guild cap is being enforced for several reasons, but they all factor into a need to control guild sizes in light of the new guild systems, including guild leveling and achievements. Previously, adding players to a guild was as simple as adding people to a chat channel. While approximately 500 members were visible in the UI, there was no real need to limit guild size. That is no longer the case. Guild leveling in Cataclysm features unified progression powered by a series of complex systems that track the contributions of all guild members. The larger the guild, the bigger the impact on these systems. We found it necessary to determine a maximum guild size to ensure continued performance now and into the future.

    We want to reassure the few guilds that this does impact that they have ample time to plan and rearrange their guilds as they see fit. While this hard cap will go into effect with 4.0.1, guilds should feel safe rearranging members as necessary up to the release of Cataclysm on December 7 when the guild leveling system goes into effect. There will be no impact on guild leveling progression before then. If a guild were to disband after Cataclysm, or a group of people were to leave and start a new guild, they would lose the time and experience they previously contributed and potentially extend the amount of time it would take to regain the new guild perks.

    While some players have used options including mods and custom chat channels to support large player and guild alliances that number multiple thousands, groups of that size aren't ideally suited to our design philosophy. As always, we're continually looking into adding new features to help facilitate guild management, scheduling, and player communication.
  • Addition of the Flexible Raid Lock system.
    Blizzard said: Almost six months ago we announced that Cataclysm raids were being redesigned to make both raid sizes the same difficulty, drop the same quality of loot, and exist in the same lockout. This evolution in raid philosophy is built on the belief that the size of your raiding group should be a choice based solely on what's more fun and enjoyable for you, and that you should not have to complete the same raiding content twice in a week to maximize your character's progression. These systems are the culmination of a great deal of design and player feedback from the last few years. With the release of the 4.0.1 patch, the new Flexible Raid Lock system will debut in Icecrown Citadel and The Ruby Sanctum.

    With the Flexible Raid Lock system, instead of being locked to a specific raid size or raid group, each character will have the opportunity to defeat each raid encounter once a week. You could kill Lord Marrowgar and Lady Deathwhisper with a 10-player raid on Wednesday, join a 25-player raid to kill Festergut and Rotface on Thursday, and then lead a completely new 10-player raid to kill The Lich King on Friday. Every raid has a list of encounters associated with the zone. For example, Icecrown Citadel has twelve encounters. After you defeat Lord Marrowgar, you can open up your character's raid information dialog and see the list of encounters in Icecrown Citadel with Marrowgar marked as defeated. You may no longer fight Lord Marrowgar with any raid size or difficulty until the weekly raid reset for your region occurs.

    Another key change is that if you join someone else's raid in progress, you are no longer locked to that raid after merely zoning in. Your raid status will only change when a boss is defeated, at which point it will be updated to reflect the state of the instance in which you are currently participating. So, let's say you have killed the first four bosses of Icecrown Citadel, and you then join a raid that has defeated the first four encounters, as well as Festergut and Rotface. The dialog that displays upon entering Icecrown Citadel will show that the raid has defeated 6 of 12 encounters. If you help them defeat Professor Putricide, then you would be marked as having defeated not only Professor Putricide for the week, but also Festergut and Rotface. If instead after joining the raid you then proceeded to wipe ten times to Professor Putricide, you could leave the raid with only the first four bosses marked as completed.

    To help communicate to players which bosses are dead in the raid leader's raid, there is new functionality to link in chat a list of the encounters the raid has defeated. So before you join a raid, you can see what they've already defeated. If a raid leader advertises in chat that she needs another healer for an 8/12 Icecrown Citadel run, you can see precisely which bosses are still available to fight. If you were only looking for that one item from Queen Lana'thel that never drops for you and this raid already defeated her, you will know not to join that raid.

    Let's look at another example of the Flexible Raid Lock system. A guild schedules three nights for 25-player Icecrown Citadel raiding on Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday. On Wednesday, the raid defeats Lord Marrowgar, Lady Deathwhisper, Icecrown Gunship Battle, and Saurfang. On Thursday, five people cancel their raid attendance due to real life emergencies. The raid leader knows that if he cancels Thursday raiding, there's little chance they'll have enough time on Saturday to defeat the other eight bosses in Icecrown Citadel. So he splits the remaining 20 Thursday raiders into two 10-player raids. Each new raid enters Icecrown Citadel and defeats Rotface, Festergut, Blood Council, and Valithria Dreamwalker. The next Saturday with all 25 players online, they reform as a 25-player raid and enter Icecrown Citadel once more. Only Professor Putricide, Queen Lana'thel, Sindragosa, and The Lich King remain. After a tough fight, the Lich King falls and everybody celebrates. Without the Flexible Raid Lock system the entire raid probably would have missed out on a night of raiding, and likely would not have reached the Lich King.

    While players can freely move between raids of different sizes in normal difficulty, there are some additional rules for Heroic difficulty. If a 10- or 25-player raid defeats a boss on Heroic difficulty, then those players may now only raid additional Heroic encounters with that specific raid. If your Heroic 25-player raid defeats the first four bosses of Icecrown Citadel on Heroic, then they may not split up into two 10-player raids and continue to fight in Heroic difficulty. You may also not join someone else's raid if they have defeated a Heroic encounter.

    But let's say you are a member of a Heroic raid in Icecrown Citadel, and after killing Lord Marrowgar on Heroic you have Internet connection issues that prevent you from raiding for two nights. During those two nights, the rest of the raid kills everything. Without the Flexible Raid Lock system, you would be done with raiding Icecrown Citadel for the week. Ouch. With the Flexible Raid Lock system, you can join someone else's raid as long as they are doing Normal difficulty. This would at least give you the opportunity to earn your Justice Points for the week. If this raid attempted to switch to Heroic difficulty for Icecrown Gunship Battle with you in the raid, the raid leader would receive an error message stating that she cannot change to Heroic, because someone in the raid (i.e., you) is already locked to a different Heroic instance.

    All of the new Cataclysm raids will feature the Flexible Raid Lock and Dynamic Difficulty systems, and when the Cataclysm occurs the other Wrath of the Lich King raids will also have these features. It's important to note that this system doesn't affect Heroic dungeons, they will work as they always have. We look forward to feedback for this new system after 4.0.1 is released. As a reminder, Icecrown Citadel and The Ruby Sanctum are the only two raids that support the Flexible Raid Lock until the Cataclysm occurs.


    One piece of clarification on questions being asked so far, although we're still compiling feedback and will work to answer some of the questions and clear up any confusion we can.

    The loot system in Icecrown and Ruby Sanctum is not changing. This implementation of the new flex raid lock is only that, a new implementation of the raid lockout system we'll be using in Cataclysm. This does not change the separation of 10 and 25 in ICC, and does not change the item drops or achievements.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Patch News!

Copied from:

In the upcoming 4.0.1 patch, we'll be introducing a major overhaul of the current glyph system. This update features a host of changes including the addition of a new glyph tier, the transition of glyphs from consumable items to permanent spells, and a more streamlined user interface.

In its Prime
Glyphs will now be separated into three different tiers: minor, major, and prime.

Prime - Prime glyphs will typically provide direct increases to damage or healing throughput. Examples of prime glyphs include Glyph of Howling Blast, which will cause the death knight ability Howling Blast to infect targets with Frost Fever, and Glyph of Insect Swarm, which increases the damage of druid's Insect Swarm ability by 30%.

Major - Major glyphs will typically augment spells and abilities to offer additional utility. Examples of major glyphs include Glyph of Silencing Shot, which will cause a hunter to instantly gain 10 focus when successfully silencing an enemy's spell cast, and Glyph of Ice Block, which will reset the cooldown on Frost Nova every time a mage uses Ice Block.

Minor - Minor glyphs will typically provide players with additional convenience or cosmetic changes. Examples of minor glyphs include Glyph of Righteousness which will reduce the mana cost of Seal of Righteousness for paladins by 50%, and Glyph of Levitate which will remove the reagent requirement for a priest's Levitate spell.

In total, there will be nine glyph slots: three minor, three major, and three prime. As players level, they will be able to progressively unlock "sets" of these slots in increments of three (one minor slot, one major slot, and one prime slot). The first set of glyph slots will be unlocked at level 25, the second at level 50, and the final at level 75.

Teach a Man to Glyph...
In addition to the glyph tier changes, glyphs will also be transitioning from single-use items to permanent spells that a player can learn. While the item from which a glyph will be taught will still be consumed on use, once a glyph is learned, a player will always have access to it. This functionality will feel very similar to the current mechanic that allows players to learn certain recipes and patterns from item drops.

Despite these changes, activating a glyph will more or less function as it does now. To activate a glyph, players will simply need to select the desired glyph from their list of known glyphs and then click on the appropriate tiered slot.

Dust to Dust
With the transition from single-use items to permanent spells, the process for switching activated glyphs has been slightly altered. Similar to activating a learned glyph, players will need to select the new glyph from their list of known glyphs and then "place" it on top of the old glyph. While this process will not destroy the old glyph as it does at present, it will require a new reagent, Dust of Disappearance, which can be purchased from Inscription vendors or be crafted by scribes.

As a precaution, the following dialogue will also appear before a glyph is exchanged:

Are you sure you want to inscribe this glyph? The existing glyph will be lost.

Cost: 1 Dust of Disappearance

Players will be given the opportunity to confirm the exchange or cancel out of it. Please note that the old glyph will not be permanently lost; it will simply be deactivated.

Gotta Catch'em All
To complement each of these changes, the glyph UI window has been completely redesigned. All glyphs will now be organized in the glyph panel according to their tier (minor, major, or prime) and, much like how class spells and abilities display in the trainer window, will be sortable by "Already Known," "Unavailable," and "All Glyphs" categories. Players will also be able to search for glyphs using keywords and results will populate under each corresponding collapsible tier.

To access the new glyph UI, players will need to open up the Talent pane (default: N) and then click on the "Glyphs" tab.
Blizzard said: With patch 4.0.1, we will be introducing a new World of Warcraft launcher that will allow you to stream game data while you play. This will reduce the time you spend downloading, installing, and patching World of Warcraft.

Streaming Launcher Basics
We've redesigned the launcher to provide a visual update to your installation progress. You will see a new progress bar with sections (Red, Yellow, Green) that represent the amount of data you have currently installed.

There are three stages of download progress:

Setup (Red): Core game content is being prepared. You cannot enter the game at this time.
Available (Yellow): Major game content is not completely applied. You can play, but your game experience will not be ideal.
Playable (Green): Final game content is almost complete. You may experience a few issues with playing at this stage.

All World of Warcraft data will continue to download and apply whether you wait in the launcher or are playing in-game. If you find the play experience unsatisfactory, you may exit the game and allow the Launcher to continue the download. While the launcher should automatically adjust the download according to your bandwidth, this may improve the play experience for users with low bandwidth Internet connections.

Streaming Launcher FAQ
For more information, please refer to our FAQ:
Blizzard said: Patch 4.0.1 will bring about major changes to all World of Warcraft classes, including sweeping talent tree revamps, altered spells, and improved abilities. We wanted to go over some of the more complex changes that are being made. If your class isn't listed here, it does not mean we didn't spend as much time on it -- the class will still receive a broad range of updates to talents, spells, and abilities -- we simply feel that these mechanics merit additional explanation.

Death Knights

The way in which runes regenerate has been changed. Rather than each rune type (Blood, Frost, Unholy) regenerating simultaneously, they now fill sequentially. For example, if you use two Blood runes, then the first rune will fill up before the second one starts to fill up. You essentially have three sets of runes filling every 10 seconds instead of six individual runes filling every 10 seconds. This allows the death knight rotation to be more forgiving, so that the player can take advantage of things like ability procs or respond to movement. This system makes it a little easier to get back on track without six separate runes now "out of sync" from the standard rotation.

You're a Bloody Tank
The time has come to dedicate a death knight talent tree to tanking, and that is what is in store for the Blood tree. We felt that we could offer a more focused and polished tanking tree rather than having to scatter similar tools throughout the trees. This also allows us to really focus the other trees into more flavorful damage-dealing specializations.

Runic Empowerment
This mechanic allows for runes which were on cooldown to instantly activate, which prevents the rotation from becoming too predictable and boring.


This is a new mechanic being added for Balance druids. The resource is managed through a new bar near the health and mana bars. As the druid casts Arcane spells, the bar moves towards the sun element until the druid achieves a Solar Eclipse, which buffs Nature damage. The goal is then to cast Nature spells, until the bar moves toward the moon element, which triggers a Lunar Eclipse and buffs Arcane damage. The gameplay becomes trying to quickly move the bar from one end to the other in order to maximize each Eclipse buff.


This is a new resource which has replaced mana. Hunters never felt like they should be casting mana-based spells, and having a resource that lasted for a long time and then was painfully gone didn’t lead to compelling gameplay.

Hunters can now use Call Pet to choose from among five different pets. They can swap out any of these five pets with other pets they have tamed by visiting a Stable Master. The Stable Master now allows the hunter to store twenty pets total.
Pet families have been updated. Each family can now provide unique buffs to parties or raids, so if a class buff is needed for a raid and that class isn't represented in the group, chances are a hunter can provide a little assistance by calling out a specific pet.

Ammo is no more. As a hunter, you're just that good now.
Any quivers or pouches used to store ammo will automatically be converted into a bag of roughly equal value.


Holy Power
This is a new resource which works similarly to combo points. Paladins will generally want to build up Holy Power until it shines through with a bright yellow glowing effect. Once Holy Power has been built up, it can be consumed to augment existing abilities. For example, Word of Glory can be used to cast an instant-cast free heal. This gives paladins several options for how to spend their Holy Power, depending on the scenario.


Soul Shards
As items, Soul Shards are going away entirely.
Any shard bags used to store Soul Shards will automatically be converted into a bag of roughly equal value.
Soul Shards are now a new resource for warlocks. Each warlock will have a total of three. These Soul Shards can be expended using a new spell, Soul Burn, which allows the warlock to augment the next spell cast. The augmentation effect will vary depending on which spell is used, and all warlock spells which can be empowered by Soul Burn will have a tooltip listing of the effect it grants. Soul Shards will no longer be necessary for summoning demons or casting any other spell typically used when out of combat.


Rage is being normalized so that its generation is no longer based on damage done by auto-attacks. Each auto-attack will provide a set amount of Rage, with off-hand weapons granting 50% of the rage main-hand weapons do. Haste will allow Rage to generate more rapidly by increasing attack speed. In addition, while taking damage, the amount of Rage generated will now be based on the warrior's health rather than the opponent's level. The essence of this change is to improve the scaling that occurs with warrior gear. With warriors balanced around the top tiers of items, we've found that the class tends to underperform more drastically than others in lower-quality items. These changes should correct that.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

When Add-ons Lie...

If you maximize the above jpg you will see I have a cute little stinker targeted. As a resident of Bloodmyst Isle, this little level 1 critter spends his days around low level draeni. Now look closely at the information in my popup window:

I'm hoping to recruit him for ICC. A 6257 Gear Score Skunk should be raiding with Ni! Have you ever had an addon lie to you?

Friday, October 8, 2010

Raggle Raggle Raggle NSFW

*NOTICE* The following video contains a potty mouth stoner and is not safe for work (NSFW) or for listening to around small children. Viewer discretion is advised.

We had used vent to pug ICC 25 Tuesday and apparently some guy, Raggle, had logged out without swapping back to his guilds vent. So a few Ni are on talking Wednesday night & this guy logs on... he didn't say anything. We asked "Raggle, who are you?" to which he only will reply "RaggleRaggleRaggle" So Griff gets on & gets the guy talking. Dude was completely HIIIIIIIIGGGGGGHHHHH. So we keep talking to him... he thinks we are in Naxx with him and well, we played along. "Let's do the easy wings first. Can I kill the cat?" Yes, yes you can Raggle!

The night was full of young Raggle entertaining us by singing Sublime, describing the pot he grows, discussing topics like who would win in fights cavemen or astronauts. We learned alot about him. He's skilled in French Horn, Tuba, Chemistry, Psychology, Martial Arts, and growing various types of Pot. While talking with him we kept acting like we were there with him and calling for him to use Heroism, facepull bosses, and kite zombies (he died, oops). Lunch FRAPS'd parts so no one would miss this chapter of Knights Who Say Ni history. This is only a sample of the 2hrs we spent with Raggle AKA Ninjewejnin.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Sindragosa Dead!

After a long hard road, Core team brought down Sindragosa last night taking Knights Who Say Ni to 11/12. Thanks go out to Core raiders Pirtuk, Griffette, Clordy, Feaver, Tehlien, Aislyn, Toomey, Badear, Waytoopimp, and Azraela for getting her. While these brave knights were in the group to open the road to the Lich King, it wouldn't have been possible without all other Ni who have worked so hard at perfecting the kill strategy and working so hard to get us there. A special thanks goes out to Jason for doing the extra homework to find a better strategy for us and to Zulika, Draxnar & Stynus for being understanding and generous in giving up their seats to give Ni a shot to get to Arthas before patch day. This was a big kill for us as a guild and one that took alot of different people to make possible. Thank you all so much and Arthas... we're coming for you!

Guild Leveling Information Summary

Toomey found a great article about the upcoming guild achievements. Check it out here!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Wonders of Azeroth

Feaver, Lonnie, Griff, Sophia and I went on a tour of sorts Monday. We visited some lesser known attractions of Kalimdor. Did you know there's a shrine in The Barrens to honor a developer who died before wows release?

Or the chicken "Plucky" Johnson in Thousand Needles who turns into man if you /chicken him?

Or the outhouse dancing Bears of Ni?

What are some other sites that could be extinct soon? Make sure you visit all your favorites soon!

Official Post on Justice Points

You can read wowhead's post HERE.

Nethaera said: Although we’ve revealed some details of the conversion process, many of you have asked how many Justice and Valor Points bosses and daily dungeons will actually award. This list is incomplete, and the values may still change, but it covers the majority of the content we’ve been asked about.

Lich King Heroic dungeon boss -- 16 Justice Points
Lich King daily normal dungeon -- 12 Justice Points
Lich King daily Heroic dungeon -- 23 Justice Points
Lich King raid boss -- 23 Justice Points

Cataclysm Heroic dungeon boss -- 75 Justice Points
Cataclysm daily normal dungeon -- 75 Justice Points
Cataclysm daily Heroic dungeon -- 75 Valor Points
Cataclysm 10-player raid boss -- 75 Valor Points
Cataclysm 25-player raid boss -- 105 Valor Points

It’s important to note that once you outgrow content, by leveling past it by a predetermined amount, you’ll no longer gain points. The ‘outgrown’ level for end-game Wrath of the Lich King content is likely to be level 81. Once you level beyond Lich King content you’ll still be able to enter the dungeons, kill bosses, and see their drops, but they will not award you with points. This same principle applies to all content that provides Justice Points, including content from The Burning Crusade.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Current & Future Alliance Reputations

In Cataclysm guilds are finally given a chance to shine. We will be leveling up by gaining experience though completing achievements together and for our individual efforts with gaining reputations, skills, and questing. While group runs and gathering objectives can't be worked on until release, there are a few things we can do now to prepare. Reputation grinding is one of them. As a guild we need to become exalted with atleast 55 different reputations. For example if I am exalted with Ironforge, Feavers exalted with Kirin Tor, and Akine is exalted with Honor Hold then KWSN is exalted with 3 different reps. How many reputations are you exalted with? Post them here!

Gnomeregan Exiles

Alliance PVP
League of Arathor
Silverwing Sentinels
Stormpike Guard

Steamwheedle Cartel
Booty Bay

Argent Dawn
Bloodsail Buccaneers
Brood of Nozdormu
Cenarion Circle
Darkmoon Faire
Gelkis/Magram Clan Centaur
Hydraxion Waterlords
Thorium Brotherhood
Timbermaw Hold
Wintersaber Trainers
Zandalar Tribe

The Burning Crusade
Shattrath City
Lower City
Sha'tari Skyguard
Shattered Sun Offensive
The Aldor
The Scryers
The Sha'tar

Ashtongue Deathsworn
Cenarion Expedition
Honor Hold
Keepers of Time
The Consortium
The Scale of the Sands
The Violet Eye

Wrath of the Lich King
Alliance Vanguard
Explorers' League
The Frostborn
The Silver Covenant
Valiance Expedition
Frenzyheart Tribe
The Oracles

Argent Crusade
Ashen Verdict
Kirin Tor
Knights of the Ebon Blade
The Kalu'ak
The Sons of Hodir
The Wyrmrest Accord

Guardians of Hyjal
The Earthen Ring


Official Press Release Posted!

Official Press Release has posted and as we all expected on December 7th we start preparing to face the newest villain of Azeroth... Deathwing!

Ni News Page!

Ever wonder why Short doesn't update site news as much? Maybe you're curious as to where Movie Monday went? Well my friends the answer is simple! While our new site on guildlaunch is safer and more user friendly, it does have limits. For example no more youtube videos unless it's just a link. Also there's no real simple way to add news content with much, if any, html. Basically it's just a forum post that shows up on main page. I'm not a big fan of that part of guildlaunch's setup other than for guild firsts, ect. I need something quick, simple, & content friendly. Introducing the solution!

While starting a blog to track my characters achievements, I couldn't get over how quickly I can post updates. I can publish within seconds and add video, links, pictures... it makes life easier and anything to speed up efficiency with guild leading I am totally for. So what will you see here? The reemergence of Machinima Movies, Guild News, Wow News, ect. So stay tuned to The KWSN Times!